Linen carrier Sestrice Carrier ONE

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( 8 reviews )

Linen carriers are the ideal choice for summer days and not only during them.

  • from birth till toddlerhood (approx. 1,5 years)
  • BellySupport waist belt
  • ShoulderComfort system
  • certified according to EN 13209-2: 2015 Baby carriers
  • every detail of the carrier is carefully thought out and crafted with meticulous care
  • online consultation
  • shipping worldwide
  • Free transport and return within the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic
Babywearing Package – Bundle & Save 30€!Combine at least two products and get 15€ off each! Choose from combinations like BABY CARRIER + WRAP, BABY CARRIER/WRAP + HOODIE, BABY CARRIER/WRAP + COVER, or HOODIE + COVER. If you pick more than two products, you'll get 15€ off each item, saving even more!

Predpokladané dodanie 17.02.–18.02.


Our linen carrier for newborn has easy and convenient adjustment
  • easy adjustment of the back panel width from 12cm to 40cm (from birth to 1.5 years)
  • waist belt circumference adjustment from 62 cm to 127 cm, possibility to extend the circumference by 50 cm
  • neck area adjustment with an integrated hood for better securing the head
  • tutorial for setting up the Sestrice Carrier ONE can be found in our video tutorial.
Carrier parameters

The Sestrice Carrier ONE is suitable from birth (3.5 kg) to 18 months.

Back panel width 12 – 40 cm
Back panel height 31 – 49 cm
Waist belt circumference62 – 127 cm
Hip belt Soft padding with BellySupport construction
Hood non-removable, tightly sewn
Shoulder systemShoulderComfort
  • softly padded waist belt with integrated BellySupport reinforcement system distributes the baby’s weight over its entire surface
  • provides the necessary support for the postpartum belly
  • adapts to your body
ShoulderComfort system
  • the sophisticated ShoulderComfort shoulder strap system consists of complementary components
  • comfortably shaped shoulder straps with rails that distribute the weight evenly
  • magnetic buckle that simplifies fastening and unfastening
Variable shoulder straps protection
  • protective covers with 3 snap fasteners, you can unfasten at any time and the covers can be washed
  • 2 fastening options – cylindrical or conical shape to also protect the top of the back panel
Comfort of the wrap. Practicality of the carrier.
  • ideal combination of yarns and weave for the right softness, elasticity and strength of the fabric
  • compared to other fabrics, this material adapts better to the body of both the baby and the wearer
  • the fabric is flexible and strong enough at the same time to provide softness and comfort in a practical full-buckle carrier form
Original design
  • our own woven fabrics with safety certificate for children up to 3 years
  • original designs and pure minimalism
Highest quality for the little ones
  • tested in an accredited European laboratory for mechanical, chemical and flammability safety
  • certificate according to EN 13209-2: 2016 Baby carriers
  • custom fabrics with safety certificate for children up to 3 years
  • buckles and straps from European suppliers certified to the strictest chemical and mechanical safety standards Oeko-Tex® Standard 100.
The package includes
  • the carrier
  • two protective covers for shoulder straps
  • hood for securing the head while sleeping
  • practical backpack for carrying the carrier

Material Care


50 % linen, 50 % combed cotton

Before first use

We recommend washing the carrier before first use, not only for hygiene reasons, but also for the fabric wrap around the paddings on the waist belt and shoulder straps properly.

The wrap fabric for the carriers is woven from yarns that have undergone a very gentle dyeing process to make them suitable for children under the age of three. Excess colour may therefore be washed out during the first washings. Wash the carrier alone or with related colours.

How to wash the carrier properly?

Loosen all buckles on the carrier so that the back panel is stretched as far as possible. At the same time, fasten all buckles.

For washing, use a liquid washing gel without optical brighteners. Do not use fabric softener, it can coat the fibres and make the material slippery.

You can put the carrier in a protective bag for delicate laundry. Wash the carrier on the gentle or hand wash programme at 40 degrees at a lower speed (800).

Newer washing machines that have a sensor to distribute the laundry evenly in the drum may not wring out the carrier sufficiently. If this happens to you, we recommend adding a pair of towels in a similar colour to the carrier and repeating the rinse and wring programme.


Dry the carrier loosely spread out or hanging, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Don't put the carrier in the dryer - you could damage the foams in the fillings and the synthetic straps.


The carrier does not need to be ironed, it will soften by wearing, but if you choose to iron, avoid areas with padding, straps, snaps and buckles.

Carrier storage

You can hang the carrier on a hanger or pack it according to these instructions.


To make it even easier for you, we decided to create Wearing Academywhere we've gathered all our videos, gadgets, tips and tricks so that you'll never be surprised by anything and you'll be able to cope with everything. The Academy is open to everyone - just sign up. You'll find videos on tying your scarf, setting up your carrier, the most common mistakes and how to easily fix them, or videos on wearing and contact and why it's important. Over time, we will also add webinars with experts on child development or other interesting content.

Of course, we are always here for you, if you can't figure out anything - drop us a line on our FB, Instagram or email, we are fully at your disposal.

You can also find basic video tutorials here :)

Sestrice Carrier ONE - Front carry tutorial

Sestrice Carrier ONE - Back carry tutorial

Adjustable newborn Sestrice Carrier ONE

Breastfeeding in the carrier

Additional information


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8 reviews for Linen carrier Sestrice Carrier ONE

5.0 Average Rating Rated ( 8 Reviews )

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  1. English


    + tvarovaný mäkký a široký bedrak ideálny pre poporodne bruško
    + tvarované a akurátne polstrovane popruhy s perfektným doťahovaním a ľahkým uvilnovanim pri dojčení
    + intuitívne a jednoduché nastavovanie šírky a výšky chrbtovej opierky
    + fixácia hlavičky kapucňou a utiahnutie na šírku v mieste hlavičky
    + termoregulacny materiál ideálny na leto

    – rýchlo blednuce farby satkoviny na slniečku a pri praní ale je to naozaj len estetická vec a dan za používanie farieb maximálne šetrne k pokožke dieťatka

  2. English


    ONEko sme kúpili okolo 2-3 mesiaca, keď sme riešili štrajk dojčenia a mala som v podstate neustále synčeka na sebe. Veľmi jednoduché intuitívne nastavovanie nosiča mi uľahčovalo fungovanie. Bedrový pás bol príjemne mäkký a s malým bábätkom na popôrodnom brušku ideálny. Menili sme ho v 7 mesiacoch pri váhe okolo 8,5kg, keďže synček bol dlhý.

  3. English


    Ergonomický nosič s množstvom popruhov, ktoré veľmi ľahko a rýchlo prispôsobíte na mieru pre bábätko. Jednoducho si ich dotiahnete aj sami. A ´´kapucňa´´ chráni bábätko aj pred vetrom, využili sme neraz na horách.

    Skvelý pomocník pri cestovaní, na letisku, kedy potrebujete tlačiť kufor a bábo rýchlo šupnete do nosiča a idete.

    Povolením popruhov bábätko aj nakojíte a hneď môže ísť zasa nerušene spinkať.

    Vo farbe pure vhodný aj k elegantnému oblečeniu na konferencie. 🙂

    Tým, že som začala nosiť v lete, vybrala som ľanový, ktorý mi príde priedušnejší.

    A prečo Sestrice? Jednoducho preto, že je to topka na trhu. Vďaka x popruhom ľahko a rýchlo si samé nastavíte nosič. Krásny dizajn. Kvalitný materiál. Online poradenstvo zdarma, kedy podľa fotiek a videí skonzultujú nastavenie a poradia. Rýchla komunikácia a doručenie. Vidieť, že produkty tvoria s láskou. 🙂

  4. English


    Tento nosič sme prvýkrát skúsili na podporke, a keďže synček spokojne zaspal do pár minút, bolo rozhodnuté, aký nosič kúpime aj na domov. Aj keď sa nenosíme každý deň, ONEko nám pomohlo v ťažkých chvíľach. Ľahko nastaviteľný, bedrák mäkký, pohodlný aj v tehotenstve. Môžem len odporúčať. Nemenili by sme. Máme ho v krásnej farbe aloe.

  5. English (verified owner)

    Tento nosič som si vybrala po poradenstve a vyskúšaní. Za seba môžem povedať, že mi je veľmi pohodlný, ľahko sa nastavuje a táto modrá farba je prekrásna. Veľmi rýchlo vyschol, trvalo to iba 1 deň. Za synčeka môžem povedať, že v ňom je spokojný a rýchlo zaspí. Som šťastná, že som si vybrala sestrice a tento ľanový nosič veľmi odporúčam 💖

  6. English

    Renáta Kollárová

    Perfektní nosítko od narození. U nás používané od 6.dne po narození a cca 4kg. Absolutně se není potřeba bát této lňené varianty i pro minimimi. Rychle se zanosí a změkne a je prodyšnější a má zajimavější strukturu než bavlněná varianta. Na léto dokonalé, ale naprosto vhodné celoročně, i v zimě (naše miminko bylo narozené v listopadu). Přikládám fotky mladší 12denní dcerky a a starší dvouleté dcery v tom stejném nosítku. Vydrží na celé hlavní nosící období, co obvykle bývá ten 1-2 roky, proto ONE 🤍

  7. English


    V ľanovom One-ku sa náš syn nosil dennodenne prvého 4,5 mesiaca, keďže absolútne odmietal kočík. Tento nosič nám zachránil prechádzky. Bola to láska na prvý pohľad, prvý dotyk, prvé nosenie. Je veľmi ľahko nastaviteľný a má skvelý priedušný materiál. Náš Artur a aj my sme ho milovali. 🤍 Ďakujeme.

  8. English

    Lenka Dekretova

    V skratke:
    Moje deti sa nechceli nosit… kym som neobjavila Sestrice.
    Okrem toho, ze perfektne sedi mne, ako nosiacej, nestazuje sa ani drobec, ktory uz ‘nadcasuje’ – ma cez 8 mesiacov, cca 80 cm a stale sa pohodlne odnesie v lanovom ONEku.

    Zvolila som sivy jednofarebny nosic a takto ho viem denne nosit do prirody popri venceni psika v lese, vo vinohrade, do mesta, do restiky, ci na rande a absolvoval uz aj svadbu. Posobil ako pekny elegantny doplnok a uzil si aj tancovacku s mladomanzelmi 😊

    Nosic ma zachranil uz milion x, ked pomohol utisit pri prerezavani zubkov, bolavom brusku atd.

    V lete mal neskutocne vyuzitie popri starsich surodencoch a vyletoch s nimi, pocas turistiky v najvacsom teple vobec nevadil – lan okrem ineho velmi rychlo vyschol.

    Minus ma jedine – raz mi bude toto krasne obdobie chybat a s nostalgiou budem sledovat tento mily doplnok na inych. ❤️

    Sestrice su laska a naucili ma, ze sa to da – Dakujem! 🥰

    Foto – 2mes drobec v nosici na Tomasovskom vyhlade jul/2023

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